
This past week has been one full of anxiety and decisions. I ultimately had to turn down a job offer that I really wanted to say yes to. It would have been selfish of me to accept the position, and I just couldn't do it.

The position was one in my current company's corporate office in the Charlotte area which, eventually I do want to get to. The problem was that they wanted me to be there within a few weeks and anyone who has a child in daycare knows just how difficult it can be to find a GOOD daycare within your budget that you can trust and, oh yeah, actually has an opening! Even a month is not enough time for me to totally adjust my life here and move like that.

At some point, I really do want to be in Charlotte. I think it is the best move for my career, and I truly believe it is the best move for my daughter as well. The public school systems are better, there is so much to do there, and I want her to grow up with all four seasons just like I did (without having to deal with a New England winter).

One day, the stars will align and the move will be in the cards for us but that day is not today, and I have to accept that everything happens at the right time for the right reasons. Emma comes first, and right now it is best for us to stay here until we are ready to comfortably make the move.


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